SOCR Personnel: Yueyang Shen

Yueyang Headshot

I am a fourth-year PhD candidate at the Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan. I am also a BIDS-TP trainee.
I received my bachelors in Data Science at the University of Michigan, College of Engineering CSE, and Electrical Computer Engineering at Shanghai JiaoTong University.
I joined the SOCR Lab in 2019 and am actively engaged in the SOCR TCIU project and Spacekime Analytics.

My dissertation research focuses on addressing the need for developing innovative and reproducible scientific methods to advance the field of biomedical informatics by capitalizing on the idea of complex time (kime). I am also interested in (approximate) symmetries that makes neural network sample efficient.

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Teaching and Services

  • Graduate Student Instructor of BIOINF 580: Intro to Signal Process and ML in Biomedical Sciences, UM, Fall 2023
  • Reviewer of Medical Physics, American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 2022-present
  • Secretary and Event Chair, UM-SJTU Joint Institute Alumni Association, Ann Arbor, MI, 2022-present
  • Grader for EECS476 Data Mining, UM, Winter 2021
  • Teaching Assistant for VV285 Honors Mathematics II, SJTU, Shanghai, Summer 2019

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