Problem 1: Assess if there are
significant differences between the MMSE scores of the two groups
of patients defined by Group0 ={GDTOTAL=0} and Group1={GDTOTAL=1}.
Problem 2:
Compare the proportions of patients with {GDTOTAL > 0} in these
two groups Group3={CDGLOBAL=1} vs. Group4={CDGLOBAL=0}.
Problem 3:
Compare the groups of MCI-to-AD converters (DX_Conversion) in
terms of their MMSCORE scores.
Problem 5: Using these 2 groups:
Group3={CDGLOBAL=1} vs. Group4={CDGLOBAL=0}, compute the
correlations between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (VSBPSYS and VSBPDIA) within each group
(r3 and r4). Then test
hypothesis for the equivalence of these correlations.
Problem 6: Fit a
simple linear model for VSTEMP and Weight_Kg. Formulate and assess
a hypothesis about trivial slope of the regression curve on these
two variables. Elaborate on your findings.