SOCR Funding


The SOCR resource is supported by the University of Michigan School of Nursing with partial funding provided by

In the past, the SOCR project had been funded in part by UCLA OID IIP 03-18, UCLA OID IIP 10-21, the Fiske Foundation, NIH Roadmap for Medical Research, NCBC Grant U54 RR021813, U54 EB020406, P50 NS091856, and NSF grant DUE 0442992.

The complete list of SOCR funding sources can be found at Michigan Experts and Grantome.

SOCR Support

Please consider making donations of any size to support SOCR student stipends (for  resource development and conference travel) and instructor-training/continuing-education  workshops (travel and stipends for K-16 educators to attend annual SOCR-events).

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