SOCR ≫ DSPA ≫ Topics ≫

In previous chapters, we used prediction accuracy to evaluate classification models. However, accurate predictions in one dataset does not necessarily imply that our model is perfect or that it will reproduce when tested on external data. We need additional metrics to evaluate the model performance to make sure it is robust, reproducible, reliable and unbiased.

In this chapter, we will discuss (1) various evaluation strategies for prediction, clustering, classification, regression, and decision trees, (2) visualization of ROC curves and performance tradeoffs, and (3) estimation of future performance, internal statistical cross-validation and bootstrap sampling.

1 Measuring the performance of classification methods

Prediction accuracy represents just one view at evaluation of classification model performance or the reliability of clustering methods. Different classification models and alternative clustering techniques may be appropriate for different situations. For example, when screening newborns for rare genetic defects, we may want the model to have as few true-negatives as possible. We don’t want to classify anyone as “non-carriers” when they actually may have a defective gene, since early treatment might impact near- and long-term life experiences.

We can use the following three types of data to evaluate the performance of a classifier model.

  • Actual class values (for supervised classification).
  • Predicted class values.
  • Estimated probabilities of the prediction.

We are familiar with the first two cases. The last type of validation relies on the predict(model, test_data) function that we have talked about in previous classification and prediction chapters (Chapter 6-8). Let’s revisit the model and test data we discussed in Chapter 7 - Inpatient Head and Neck Cancer Medication data. We will demonstrate prediction probability estimation using this case-study CaseStudy14_HeadNeck_Cancer_Medication.csv.

hn_med<-read.csv("", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 corpus_clean<-tm_map(hn_med_corpus, tolower)
 corpus_clean<-tm_map(corpus_clean, removePunctuation)
 corpus_clean <- tm_map(corpus_clean, stripWhitespace)
 corpus_clean <-tm_map(corpus_clean, removeNumbers)
 hn_med_train<-hn_med[1:562, ]
 hn_med_test<-hn_med[563:662, ]
 hn_med_dtm_train<-hn_med_dtm[1:562, ]
 hn_med_dtm_test<-hn_med_dtm[563:662, ]
 hn_med_train$stage<-hn_med_train$seer_stage %in% c(4, 5, 7)
 hn_med_train$stage<-factor(hn_med_train$stage, levels=c(F, T), labels = c("early_stage", "later_stage"))
 hn_med_test$stage<-hn_med_test$seer_stage %in% c(4, 5, 7)
 hn_med_test$stage<-factor(hn_med_test$stage, levels=c(F, T), labels = c("early_stage", "later_stage"))
convert_counts <- function(x) {
x <- ifelse(x > 0, 1, 0)
x <- factor(x, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("No", "Yes"))

 hn_med_dict<-as.character(findFreqTerms(hn_med_dtm_train, 5))
 hn_train<-DocumentTermMatrix(corpus_train, list(dictionary=hn_med_dict))
 hn_test<-DocumentTermMatrix(corpus_test, list(dictionary=hn_med_dict))
 hn_train <- apply(hn_train, MARGIN = 2, convert_counts)
 hn_test <- apply(hn_test, MARGIN = 2, convert_counts)
hn_classifier <- naiveBayes(hn_train, hn_med_train$stage)
pred_raw<-predict(hn_classifier, hn_test, type="raw")
##      early_stage later_stage
## [1,]   0.8812634  0.11873664
## [2,]   0.8812634  0.11873664
## [3,]   0.8425828  0.15741724
## [4,]   0.9636007  0.03639926
## [5,]   0.8654298  0.13457022
## [6,]   0.8654298  0.13457022

The above output includes the prediction probabilities for the first 6 rows of the data. This examples is based on Naive Bayes classifier (naiveBayes), however the same approach works for any other machine learning classification or prediction technique. The type="raw" indicates that the prediction call will return the conditional a-posterior probabilities for each class. If type="class" predict returns the class with maximal probability.

In addition, we can report the predicted probability with the outputs of the Naive Bayesian decision-support system (hn_classifier <- naiveBayes(hn_train, hn_med_train$stage)):

pred_nb<-predict(hn_classifier, hn_test)
##  "pred_nb" "early_stage" "later_stage"
##                       96             4

The general predict() method automatically subclasses to the specific predict.naiveBayes(object, newdata, type = c("class", "raw"), threshold = 0.001, ...) call where type="raw" and type = "class" specify the output as the conditional a-posterior probabilities for each class or the class with maximal probability, respectively. Back in Chapter 8 where we discussed the C5.0 and the randomForest classifiers to predict the chronic disease score in a another case-study Quality of Life (QoL).

Below are the (probability) results of the C5.0 classification tree model prediction:

pred_prob<-predict(qol_model, qol_test, type="prob")
##    minor_disease severe_disease
## 1      0.3762353      0.6237647
## 3      0.3762353      0.6237647
## 4      0.2942230      0.7057770
## 9      0.7376664      0.2623336
## 10     0.3762353      0.6237647
## 12     0.3762353      0.6237647

These can be contrasted against the C5.0 tree classification label results:

pred_tree<-predict(qol_model, qol_test)
head(pred_tree); head(stats::ftable(pred_tree))
## [1] severe_disease severe_disease severe_disease minor_disease  severe_disease
## [6] severe_disease
## Levels: minor_disease severe_disease
##  "pred_tree" "minor_disease" "severe_disease"
##                          214              229

The same complementary types of outputs can be reported for most machine learning classification and prediction approaches.

2 Evaluation strategies

In Chapter 6, we saw an attempt to categorize the supervised classification and unsupervised clustering methods. Similarly, the table below summarizes the basic types of evaluation and validation strategies for different forecasting, prediction, ensembling, and clustering techniques. (Internal) Statistical Cross Validation or external validation should always be applied to ensure reliability and reproducibility of the results. The SciKit clustering performance evaluation and Classification metrics sections provide details about many alternative techniques and metrics for performance evaluation of clustering and classification methods.

Inference Outcome Evaluation Metrics R functions
Classification & Prediction Binary Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV/Precision, NPV/Recall, LOR caret::confusionMatrix, gmodels::CrossTable, cluster::silhouette
Classification & Prediction Categorical Accuracy, Sensitivity/Specificity, PPV, NPV, LOR, Silhouette Coefficient caret::confusionMatrix, gmodels::CrossTable, cluster::silhouette
Regression Modeling Real Quantitative correlation coefficient, \(R^2\), RMSE, Mutual Information, Homogeneity and Completeness Scores cor, metrics::mse

2.1 Binary outcomes

More details about binary test assessment is available on the Scientific Methods for Health Sciences (SMHS) EBook site. The table below summarizes the key measures commonly used to evaluate the performance of binary tests, classifiers, or predictions.

Actual Condition Test Interpretation
Absent (\(H_0\) is true) Present (\(H_1\) is true)
Test Result Negative
(fail to reject \(H_0\))
Condition absent + Negative result = True (accurate) Negative
Condition present + Negative result = False (invalid) Negative Type II error (proportional to \(\beta\))
(reject \(H_0\))
Condition absent + Positive result = False Positive Type I error (\(\alpha\))
Condition Present + Positive result = True Positive
Test Interpretation \(Power =1-\beta\)
\(= 1-\frac{FN}{FN+TP}\)
\(Specificity=\frac{TN}{TN+FP}\) \(Power=Recall=Sensitivity\)
\(LOR=\ln\left (\frac{TN\times TP}{FP\times FN}\right )\)

See also SMHS EBook, Power, Sensitivity and Specificity section.

2.2 Confusion matrices

We talked about this type of matrix in Chapter 8. For binary classes, there will be a \(2\times 2\) matrix. Each of the cells have a specific meaning.

Graph \(2\times 2\) table:

cross table
predict_T predict_F
  • True Positive(TP): Number of observations that correctly classified as “yes” or “success”.

  • True Negative(TN): Number of observations that correctly classified as “no” or “failure”.

  • False Positive(FP): Number of observations that incorrectly classified as “yes” or “success”.

  • False Negative(FN): Number of observations that incorrectly classified as “no” or “failure”.

Using confusion matrices to measure performance

The way we calculate accuracy using these four cells is summarized by the following formula: \[accuracy=\frac{TP+TN}{TP+TN+FP+FN}=\frac{TP+TN}{\text{Total number of observations}}\] On the other hand, the error rate, or proportion of incorrectly classified observations is calculated using: \[error rate=\frac{FP+FN}{TP+TN+FP+FN}==\frac{FP+FN}{\text{Total number of observations}}=1-accuracy\] If we look at the numerator and denominator carefully, we can see that the error rate and accuracy add up to 1. Therefore, a 95% accuracy means 5% error rate.

In R, we have multiple ways to obtain confusion table. The simplest way would be table(). For example, in Chapter 7, to get a plain \(2\times 2\) table reporting the agreement between the real clinical cancer labels and their machine learning predicted counterparts, we used:

hn_test_pred <- predict(hn_classifier, hn_test)
table(hn_test_pred, hn_med_test$stage)
## hn_test_pred  early_stage later_stage
##   early_stage          73          23
##   later_stage           4           0

The reason we sometimes use the gmodels::CrossTable() function, e.g., see Chapter 7, is because it reports additional information about the model performance.

CrossTable(hn_test_pred, hn_med_test$stage)
##    Cell Contents
## |-------------------------|
## |                       N |
## | Chi-square contribution |
## |           N / Row Total |
## |           N / Col Total |
## |         N / Table Total |
## |-------------------------|
## Total Observations in Table:  100 
##              | hn_med_test$stage 
## hn_test_pred | early_stage | later_stage |   Row Total | 
## -------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
##  early_stage |          73 |          23 |          96 | 
##              |       0.011 |       0.038 |             | 
##              |       0.760 |       0.240 |       0.960 | 
##              |       0.948 |       1.000 |             | 
##              |       0.730 |       0.230 |             | 
## -------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
##  later_stage |           4 |           0 |           4 | 
##              |       0.275 |       0.920 |             | 
##              |       1.000 |       0.000 |       0.040 | 
##              |       0.052 |       0.000 |             | 
##              |       0.040 |       0.000 |             | 
## -------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## Column Total |          77 |          23 |         100 | 
##              |       0.770 |       0.230 |             | 
## -------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|

The second entry in each cell of the crossTable table reports the Chi-square contribution. This uses the standard Chi-Square formula for computing relative discrepancy between observed and expected counts. For instance, the Chi-square contribution of cell(1,1), (hn_med_test$stage=early_stage and hn_test_pred=early_stage), can be computed as follows from the \(\frac{(Observed-Expected)^2}{Expected}\) formula. Assuming independence between the rows and columns (i.e., random classification), the expected cell(1,1) value is computed as the product of the corresponding row (96) and column (77) marginal counts, \(\frac{96\times 77}{100}\). Thus the Chi-square value for cell(1,1) is:

\[\text{Chi-square cell(1,1)} = \frac{(Observed-Expected)^2}{Expected}=\] \[=\frac{\left (73-\frac{96\times 77}{100}\right ) ^2}{\frac{96\times 77}{100}}=0.01145022.\]

Note that each cell Chi-square value represents one of the four (in this case) components of the Chi-square test-statistics, which tries to answer the question if there is no association between observed and predicted class labels. That is, under the null-hypothesis there is no association between actual and observed counts for each level of the factor variable, which allows us to quantify whether the derived classification jibes with the real class annotations (labels). The aggregate sum of all Chi-square values represents the \(\chi_o^2 = \displaystyle\sum_{all-categories}{(O-E)^2 \over E} \sim \chi_{(df)}^2\) statistics, where \(df = (\# rows - 1)\times (\# columns - 1)\).

Using either table (CrossTable, confusionMatrix), we can calculate accuracy and error rate by hand.

## [1] 0.73
## [1] 0.27
## [1] 0.27

For matrices that are larger than \(2\times 2\), all diagonal elements count the observations that are correctly classified and the off-diagonal elements represent incorrectly labeled cases.

2.3 Other measures of performance beyond accuracy

So far we discussed two performance methods - table() and CrossTable(). A third function is caret::confusionMatrix() which provides the easiest way to report model performance. Notice that the first argument is an actual vector of the labels, i.e., \(Test\_Y\) and the second argument, of the same length, represents the vector of predicted labels.

This example was presented as the first case-study in Chapter 8.

qol_pred<-predict(qol_model, qol_test)
confusionMatrix(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd), positive="severe_disease")
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
## qol_pred         minor_disease severe_disease
##   minor_disease            143             71
##   severe_disease            72            157
##                Accuracy : 0.6772          
##                  95% CI : (0.6315, 0.7206)
##     No Information Rate : 0.5147          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 3.001e-12       
##                   Kappa : 0.3538          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 1               
##             Sensitivity : 0.6886          
##             Specificity : 0.6651          
##          Pos Pred Value : 0.6856          
##          Neg Pred Value : 0.6682          
##              Prevalence : 0.5147          
##          Detection Rate : 0.3544          
##    Detection Prevalence : 0.5169          
##       Balanced Accuracy : 0.6769          
##        'Positive' Class : severe_disease  

2.3.1 Silhouette coefficient

In Chapter 12 we already saw the Silhouette coefficient, which captures the shape of the clustering boundaries. It is a function of the intracluster distance of a sample in the dataset (\(i\)). Suppose:

  • \(d_i\) is the average dissimilarity of point \(i\) with all other data points within its cluster. Then, \(d_i\) captures the quality of the assignment of \(i\) to its current class label. Smaller or larger \(d_i\) values suggest better or worse overall assignment for \(i\) to its cluster, respectively. The average dissimilarity of \(i\) to a cluster \(C\) is the average distance between \(i\) and all points in the cluster of points labeled \(C\).
  • \(l_i\) is the lowest average dissimilarity of point \(i\) to any other cluster, that \(i\) is not a member of. The cluster corresponding to \(l_i\), the lowest average dissimilarity, is called the \(i\) neighboring cluster, as it is the next best fit cluster for \(i\).

Then, the Silhouette coefficient for a sample point \(i\) is:

\[-1\leq Silhouette(i)=\frac{l_i-d_i}{\max(l_i,d_i)} \leq 1.\] For interpreting the Silhouette of point \(i\), we use:

\[Silhouette(i) \approx \begin{cases} -1 & \text{sample } i \text{ is closer to a neighboring cluster} \\ 0 & \text {the sample } i \text{ is near the border of its cluster, i.e., } i \text{ represents the closest point in its cluster to the rest of the dataset clusters} \\ 1 & \text {the sample } i \text{ is near the center of its cluster} \end{cases}.\]

The mean Silhouette value represents the arithmetic average of all Silhouette coefficients (either within a cluster, or overall) and represents the quality of the cluster (clustering). High mean Silhouette corresponds to compact clustering (dense and separated clusters), whereas low values represent more diffused clusters. The Silhouette value is useful when the number of predicted clusters is smaller than the number of samples.

2.3.2 The kappa ( \(\kappa\) ) statistic

The Kappa statistic was originally developed to measure the reliability between two human raters. It can be harnessed in machine learning applications to compare the accuracy of a classifier, where one rater represents the ground truth (for labeled data, these are the actual values of each instance) and the second rater represents the results of the automated machine learning classifier. The order of listing the raters is irrelevant.

Kappa statistic measures the possibility of a correct prediction by chance alone and answers the question of How much better is the agreement (between the ground truth and the machine learning prediction) than would be expected by chance alone? Its value is between \(0\) and \(1\). When \(\kappa=1\), we have a perfect agreement between a computed prediction (typically the result of a model-based or model-free technique forecasting an outcome of interest) and an expected prediction (typically random, by-chance, prediction). A common interpretation of the Kappa statistics includes:

  • Poor agreement: less than 0.20
  • Fair agreement: 0.20-0.40
  • Moderate agreement: 0.40-0.60
  • Good agreement: 0.60-0.80
  • Very good agreement: 0.80-1

In the above confusionMatrix output, we have a fair agreement. For different problems, we may have different interpretations of Kappa statistics.

To understand Kappa statistic better, let’s look at its definition.

Predicted \ Observed Minor Severe Row Sum
Minor \(A=143\) \(B=71\) \(A+B=214\)
Severe \(C=72\) \(D=157\) \(C+D=229\)
Column Sum \(A+C=215\) \(B+D=228\) \(A+B+C+D=443\)

In this table, \(A=143, B=71, C=72, D=157\) denote the frequencies (counts) of cases within each of the cells in the \(2\times 2\) design. Then

\[ObservedAgreement = (A+D)=300.\]

\[ExpectedAgreement = \frac{(A+B)\times (A+C)+(C+D)\times (B+D)}{A+B+C+D}=221.72.\]

\[(Kappa)\ \kappa = \frac{(ObservedAgreement) – (ExpectedAgreement)} {(A+B+C+D) – (ExpectedAgreement)}=0.35.\]

In this manual calculation of kappa statistics (\(\kappa\)) we used the corresponding values we saw earlier in the Quality of Life (QoL) case-study, where chronic-disease binary outcome qol$cd<-qol$CHRONICDISEASESCORE>1.497, and we used the cd prediction (qol_pred).

table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd)
## qol_pred         minor_disease severe_disease
##   minor_disease            143             71
##   severe_disease            72            157

According to above table, actual agreement is the accuracy:

A=143; B=71; C=72; D=157
# A+B+ C+D # 443
# ((A+B)*(A+C)+(C+D)*(B+D))/(A+B+C+D)   # 221.7201
EA=((A+B)*(A+C)+(C+D)*(B+D))/(A+B+C+D) # Expected accuracy
OA=A+D; OA    # Observed accuracy
## [1] 300
k=(OA-EA)/(A+B+C+D - EA); k # 0.3537597
## [1] 0.3537597
# Compare against the official kappa score
confusionMatrix(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd), positive="severe_disease")$overall[1] # report official Accuracy
##  Accuracy 
## 0.6772009

The manually and automatically computed accuracies coincide (\(\sim 0.35\)).

Let’s now look at computing Kappa. It may be trickier to obtain the expected agreement. Probability rules tell us that the probability of the union of two disjoint events equals to the sum of the individual (marginal) probabilities for these two events. Thus, we have:

round(confusionMatrix(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd), positive="severe_disease")$overall[2], 2) # report official Kappa
## Kappa 
##  0.35

We get a similar value in the confusionTable() output. A more straight forward way of getting the Kappa statistics is by using Kappa() function in the vcd package.

# install.packages(vcd)
## Loading required package: grid
Kappa(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd))
##             value     ASE     z Pr(>|z|)
## Unweighted 0.3538 0.04446 7.957 1.76e-15
## Weighted   0.3538 0.04446 7.957 1.76e-15

The combination of Kappa() and table function yields a \(2\times 4\) matrix. The Kappa statistic is under the unweighted value.

Generally speaking, predicting a severe disease outcome is a more critical problem than predicting a mild disease state. Thus, weighted Kappa is also useful. We give the severe disease a higher weight. The Kappa test result is not acceptable since the classifier may make too many mistakes for the severe disease cases. The Kappa value is \(0.26374\). Notice that the range of weighted Kappa may exceed [0,1].

Kappa(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd),weights = matrix(c(1,10,1,10),nrow=2))
##                value     ASE        z  Pr(>|z|)
## Unweighted  0.353760 0.04446  7.95721 1.760e-15
## Weighted   -0.004386 0.04667 -0.09397 9.251e-01

When the predicted value is the first argument, the row and column names represent the true labels and the predicted labels, respectively.

table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd)
## qol_pred         minor_disease severe_disease
##   minor_disease            143             71
##   severe_disease            72            157 Summary of the Kappa score for calculating prediction accuracy

Kappa compares an Observed classification accuracy (output of our ML classifier) with an Expected classification accuracy (corresponding to random chance classification). It may be used to evaluate single classifiers and/or to compare among a set of different classifiers. It takes into account random chance (agreement with a random classifier). That makes Kappa more meaningful than simply using the accuracy as a single quality metric. For instance, the interpretation of an Observed Accuracy of 80% is relative to the Expected Accuracy. Observed Accuracy of 80% is more impactful for an Expected Accuracy of 50% compared to Expected Accuracy of 75%.

2.3.3 Sensitivity and specificity

Take a closer look at the confusionMatrix() output where we can find two important statistics - “sensitivity” and “specificity”.

Sensitivity or true positive rate measures the proportion of “success” observations that are correctly classified. \[sensitivity=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}.\] Notice \(TP+FN\) are the total number of true “success” observations.

On the other hand, specificity or true negative rate measures the proportion of “failure” observations that are correctly classified. \[sensitivity=\frac{TN}{TN+FP}.\] Accordingly, \(TN+FP\) are the total number of true “failure” observations.

In the QoL data, considering “severe_disease” as “success” and using the table() output we can manually compute the sensitivity and specificity, as well as precision and recall (below):

## [1] 0.5954545
## [1] 0.6681614

Another R package caret also provides functions to directly calculate the sensitivity and specificity.

sensitivity(qol_pred, qol_test$cd, positive="severe_disease")
## [1] 0.6885965
# specificity(qol_pred, qol_test$cd)
confusionMatrix(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd), positive="severe_disease")$byClass[1] # another way to report the sensitivity
## Sensitivity 
##   0.6885965
# confusionMatrix(table(qol_pred, qol_test$cd), positive="severe_disease")$byClass[2] # another way to report the specificity

Sensitivity and specificity both range from 0 to 1. For either measure, a values of 1 imply that the positive and negative predictions are very accurate. However, simultaneously high sensitivity and specificity may not be attainable in real world situations. There is a tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity. To compromise, some studies loosen the demands on one and focus on achieving high values on the other.

2.3.4 Precision and recall

Very similar to sensitivity, precision measures the proportion of true “success” observations among predicted “success” observations. \[precision=\frac{TP}{TP+FP}.\] Recall is the proportion of true “failures” among all “failures”. A model with high recall captures most “interesting” cases. \[recall=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}.\] Again, let’s calculate these by hand for the QoL data:

prec<-157/(157+72); prec
## [1] 0.6855895
recall<-157/(157+71); recall
## [1] 0.6885965

Report the Area under the ROC Curve (AUC).

library (ROCR)
qol_pred<-predict(qol_model, qol_test)
qol_pred <- predict(qol_model, qol_test, type = 'prob')

pred <- prediction( qol_pred[,2], qol_test$cd)
PrecRec <- performance(pred, "prec", "rec")
PrecRecAUC <- performance(pred, "auc")
paste0("AUC=", round(as.numeric(PrecRecAUC@y.values), 2))
## [1] "AUC=0.69"
# plot(PrecRec)
plot_ly(x = ~PrecRec@x.values[[1]][2:length(PrecRec@x.values[[1]])], 
        y = ~PrecRec@y.values[[1]][2:length(PrecRec@y.values[[1]])], 
        name = 'Recall-Precision relation', type='scatter', mode='markers+lines') %>%
  layout(title=paste0("Precision-Recall Plot, AUC=",
                      round(as.numeric(PrecRecAUC@y.values[[1]]), 2)),
         xaxis=list(title="Recall"), yaxis=list(title="Precision"))
# PrecRecAUC <- performance(pred, "auc")
# paste0("AUC=", round(as.numeric(PrecRecAUC@y.values), 2))

Another way to obtain precision would be posPredValue() under caret package. Remember to specify which one is the “success” class.

qol_pred<-predict(qol_model, qol_test)
posPredValue(qol_pred, qol_test$cd, positive="severe_disease")
## [1] 0.6855895

From the definitions of precision and recall, we can derive the type 1 error and type 2 errors as follow:

\[error_1 = 1- Precision = \frac{FP}{TP+FP}.\]

\[error_2 = 1- Recall = \frac{FN}{TN+FN}.\]

Thus, we can compute the type 1 error (\(0.31\)) and type 2 error (\(0.31\)).

error1<-1-prec; error1
## [1] 0.3144105
error2<-1-recall; error2
## [1] 0.3114035

2.3.5 The F-measure

The F-measure, or F1-score, combines precision and recall using the harmonic mean assuming equal weights. High F1-score means high precision and high recall. This is a convenient way of measuring model performances and comparing models. \[F1=\frac{2\times precision\times recall}{recall+precision}=\frac{2\times TP}{2\times TP+FP+FN}\] If calculating the F1-score by hand, using the Quality of Life prediction:

## [1] 0.6870897

The direct calculations of the F1-statistics can be obtained using caret:

precision <- posPredValue(qol_pred, qol_test$cd, positive="severe_disease")
recall <- sensitivity(qol_pred, qol_test$cd, positive="severe_disease")
F1 <- (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall); F1
## [1] 0.6870897

3 Visualizing performance tradeoffs (ROC Curve)

Another choice for evaluating classifiers’ performance is by graphs rather than statistics. Graphs are usually more comprehensive than single statistics.

The R package ROCR provides user-friendly functions for visualizing model performance. Details could be find on the ROCR website.

Here we evaluate the model performance for the Quality of Life case study in Chapter 8.

# install.packages("ROCR")
pred <- ROCR::prediction(predictions=pred_prob[, 2], labels=qol_test$cd) 
# avoid naming collision (ROCR::prediction), as
# there is another prediction function in the neuralnet package.

pred_prob[, 2] is the probability of classifying each observation as “severe_disease”. The above code saved all the model prediction information into the object pred.

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves are often used for examine the trade-off between detecting true positives and avoiding the false positives.

# curve(log(x), from=0, to=100, xlab="False Positive Rate", ylab="True Positive Rate", main="ROC curve", col="green", lwd=3, axes=F)
# Axis(side=1, at=c(0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100), labels = c("0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"))
# Axis(side=2, at=0:5, labels = c("0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"))
# segments(0, 0, 110, 5, lty=2, lwd=3)
# segments(0, 0, 0, 4.7, lty=2, lwd=3, col="blue")
# segments(0, 4.7, 107, 4.7, lty=2, lwd=3, col="blue")
# text(20, 4, col="blue", labels = "Perfect Classifier")
# text(40, 3, col="green", labels = "Test Classifier")
# text(70, 2, col="black", labels= "Classifier with no predictive value")

x <- seq(from=0, to=1.0, by=0.01) + 0.001
plot_ly(x = ~x, y = (log(100*x)+2.3)/(log(100*x[101])+2.3), line=list(color="lightgreen"),
        name = 'Test Classifier', type='scatter', mode='lines', showlegend=T) %>%
  add_lines(x=c(0,1), y=c(0,1), line=list(color="black", dash='dash'),
               name="Classifier with no predictive value") %>%
  add_segments(x=0, xend=0, y=0, yend = 1, line=list(color="blue"), 
               name="Perfect Classifier") %>%
  add_segments(x=0, xend=1, y=1, yend = 1, line=list(color="blue"), 
               name="Perfect Classifier 2", showlegend=F) %>%
  layout(title="ROC curve", legend = list(orientation = 'h'),
         xaxis=list(title="False Positive Rate", scaleanchor="y", range=c(0,1)), 
         yaxis=list(title="True Positive Rate", scaleanchor="x"))

The blue line in the above graph represents the perfect classifier where we have 0% false positive and 100% true positive. The middle green line represents a test classifier. Most of our classifiers trained by real data will look like this. The black diagonal line illustrates a classifier with no predictive value. We can see that it has same true positive rate and false positive rate. Thus, it cannot distinguish between the two states.

Classifiers with high true positive values have ROC curves near the (blue) perfect classifier curve. Thus, we measure the area under the ROC curve (abbreviated as AUC) as a proxy of the classifier performance. To do this, we have to change the scale of the graph above. Mapping 100% to 1, we have a \(1\times 1\) square. The area under perfect classifier would be 1 and area under classifier with no predictive value being 0.5. Then, 1 and 0.5 will be the upper and lower limits for our model ROC curve. For model ROC curves, the typical interpretation of the area under curve (AUC) includes:

  • Outstanding: 0.9-1.0
  • Excellent/good: 0.8-0.9
  • Acceptable/fair: 0.7-0.8
  • Poor: 0.6-0.7
  • No discrimination: 0.5-0.6

Note that this rating system is somewhat subjective. We can use the ROCR package to draw ROC curves.

roc<-performance(pred, measure="tpr", x.measure="fpr")

We can specify a “performance” object by providing "tpr" (True positive rate) and "fpr" (False positive rate) parameters:

# plot(roc, main="ROC curve for Quality of Life Model", col="blue", lwd=3)
# segments(0, 0, 1, 1, lty=2)

plot_ly(x = ~roc@x.values[[1]], y = ~roc@y.values[[1]], 
        name = 'ROC Curve', type='scatter', mode='markers+lines') %>%
  add_lines(x=c(0,1), y=c(0,1), line=list(color="black", dash='dash'),
               name="Classifier with no predictive value") %>%
  layout(title="ROC Curve for Quality of Life C5.0 classification Tree Model", 
         legend = list(orientation = 'h'),
         xaxis=list(title="False Positive Rate", scaleanchor="y", range=c(0,1)), 
         yaxis=list(title="True Positive Rate", scaleanchor="x"),
         annotations = list(text=paste0("AUC=",
                      round(as.numeric(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]), 2)),  
                            x=0.6, y=0.4, textangle=0,
                            font=list(size=15, color="blue", showarrow=FALSE)))

The segments command draws the dash line representing a classifier with no predictive value.

To measure the model performance quantitatively we need to create a new performance object with measure="auc", for area under the curve.

roc_auc<-performance(pred, measure="auc")

Now the roc_auc is stored as a S4 object. This is quite different than data frame and matrices. First, we can use str() function to see its structure.

## Formal class 'performance' [package "ROCR"] with 6 slots
##   ..@      : chr "None"
##   ..@      : chr "Area under the ROC curve"
##   ..@  : chr "none"
##   ..@ x.values    : list()
##   ..@ y.values    :List of 1
##   .. ..$ : num 0.692
##   ..@ alpha.values: list()

It has 6 members, or “slots”. The AUC value is stored in y.values. To extract that we use @ symbol according to str() output.

## [[1]]
## [1] 0.6915953

Thus, the obtained \(AUC=0.65\), which suggests a fair classifier, according to the above scoring schema.

4 Estimating future performance (internal statistical validation)

The evaluation method we have talked about are all measuring re-substitution error. That is building the model on training data and measuring the model error on test data. This is one way of dealing with unseen data. Let’s look at some alternative strategies.

4.1 The holdout method

The holdout method idea is to partition a dataset into two separate sets. Using the first set to create (train) the model and the other to test (validate) the model performance. In practice, we usually use a fraction (e.g., \(50\%\), or \(\frac{2}{3}\)) of our data for training the model, and reserve the rest (e.g., \(50\%\), or \(\frac{1}{3}\)) for testing. Note that the testing data may also be further split into proportions for internal repeated (e.g., cross-validation) testing and final external (independent) testing.

The partition has to be randomized. In R, the best way of doing this is to create a parameter that randomly draws numbers and use this parameter to extract random rows from the original dataset. In Chapter 10, we used this method to partition the Google Trends data.

Another way of partition is using caret::createDatePartition() method. We can subset the original dataset or any independent variable column of the original dataset, e.g., google_norm$RealEstate:

sub<-caret::createDataPartition(google_norm$RealEstate, p=0.75, list = F)
google_train<-google_norm[sub, ]
google_test<-google_norm[-sub, ]

To make sure that the model can be applied to future datasets, we can partition the original dataset into three separate subsets. In this way, we have two subsets of data for testing and validation. The additional validation dataset can alleviate the probability that we have a good model due to chance (non-representative subsets). A common split among training, testing, and validation subsets may be 50%, 25%, and 25% respectively.

sub<-sample(nrow(google_norm), floor(nrow(google_norm)*0.50))
google_train<-google_norm[sub, ]
google_test<-google_norm[-sub, ]
sub1<-sample(nrow(google_test), floor(nrow(google_test)*0.5))
google_test1<-google_test[sub1, ]
google_test2<-google_test[-sub1, ]
## [1] 731
nrow(google_train) # training
## [1] 365
nrow(google_test1) # testing: internal cross validation
## [1] 183
nrow(google_test2) # testing: out of bag validation
## [1] 183

However, when we only have a very small dataset, it’s difficult to split off too much data as this may reduce excessively the training sample size. There are the following two options for evaluation of model performance with unseen data. Both of these are implemented in the caret package.

4.2 Cross-validation

For complete details see the DSPA Cross-Validation (Chapter 20). Below, we describe the fundamentals of cross-validation as an internal statistical validation technique.

This technique is known as k-fold cross-validation or k-fold CV, which is a standard for estimating model performance. K-fold CV randomly partitions the original data into k separate random subsets called folds.

A common practice is to use k=10 or 10-fold CV. That is to split the data into 10 different subsets. Each time, one of the subsets is reserved for testing, and the rest are employed for learning/building the model. This can be accomplished using the caret::createFolds() method. Using seet.seed() insures the reproducibility of the created folds, in case you run the code multiple times. Here, we use 1234, a random number, to seed the folds separation. You can use any number for set.seed(). We demonstrate the process using the normalized Google Trend dataset.

folds<-createFolds(google_norm$RealEstate, k=10)
## List of 10
##  $ Fold01: int [1:73] 9 12 28 31 42 54 62 81 83 86 ...
##  $ Fold02: int [1:73] 20 23 47 61 63 72 82 88 96 100 ...
##  $ Fold03: int [1:73] 15 22 26 43 49 53 73 80 101 109 ...
##  $ Fold04: int [1:74] 5 17 38 52 55 74 91 92 141 142 ...
##  $ Fold05: int [1:73] 7 14 29 35 37 39 41 48 51 57 ...
##  $ Fold06: int [1:73] 4 18 33 36 44 59 70 77 78 112 ...
##  $ Fold07: int [1:73] 6 40 45 65 66 69 71 94 98 102 ...
##  $ Fold08: int [1:73] 19 24 27 50 60 75 76 97 99 106 ...
##  $ Fold09: int [1:74] 3 11 13 16 21 30 32 34 46 56 ...
##  $ Fold10: int [1:72] 1 2 8 10 25 67 68 105 111 126 ...

Another way to cross-validate is to use sparsediscrim::cv_partition() or caret::createFolds().

# install.packages("sparsediscrim")
folds2 = cv_partition(1:nrow(google_norm), num_folds=10)

And the structure of folds may be reported by:

## List of 10
##  $ Fold1 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:657] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:74] 493 338 652 368 698 55 261 407 379 648 ...
##  $ Fold2 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 377 531 465 273 466 526 454 424 417 191 ...
##  $ Fold3 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 280 289 467 459 216 166 224 278 453 438 ...
##  $ Fold4 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 3 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 272 461 103 245 53 6 684 565 400 389 ...
##  $ Fold5 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 124 137 202 253 729 572 451 452 187 295 ...
##  $ Fold6 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 283 118 687 228 491 549 510 40 607 164 ...
##  $ Fold7 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 125 95 617 369 94 204 109 539 32 412 ...
##  $ Fold8 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 49 480 328 406 520 182 160 27 705 386 ...
##  $ Fold9 :List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 3 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 333 515 176 627 546 674 312 340 388 288 ...
##  $ Fold10:List of 2
##   ..$ training: int [1:658] 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...
##   ..$ test    : int [1:73] 595 57 86 83 387 666 495 715 45 96 ...

Now, we have 10 different subsets in the folds object. We can use lapply() to fit the model. 90% of data will be used for training so we use [-x, ] to represent all observations not in a specific fold. In Chapter 10 we showed building a neutral network model for the Google Trends data. We can do the same for each fold manually. Then we can train, test, and aggregate the results. Finally, we can report the agreement (e.g., correlations between the predicted and observed RealEstate values).

fold_cv<-lapply(folds, function(x){
  google_train<-google_norm[-x, ]
  google_test<-google_norm[x, ]
  google_model<-neuralnet(RealEstate~Unemployment+Rental+Mortgage+Jobs+Investing+DJI_Index+StdDJI, data=google_train)
  google_pred<-compute(google_model, google_test[, c(1:2, 4:8)])
  pred_cor<-cor(google_test$RealEstate, pred_results)
## List of 10
##  $ Fold01: num [1, 1] 0.972
##  $ Fold02: num [1, 1] 0.979
##  $ Fold03: num [1, 1] 0.976
##  $ Fold04: num [1, 1] 0.975
##  $ Fold05: num [1, 1] 0.977
##  $ Fold06: num [1, 1] 0.981
##  $ Fold07: num [1, 1] 0.974
##  $ Fold08: num [1, 1] 0.973
##  $ Fold09: num [1, 1] 0.977
##  $ Fold10: num [1, 1] 0.972

From the output, we know that in most of the folds the model predicts very well. In a typical run, one fold may yield bad results. We can use the mean of these 10 correlations to represent the overall model performance. But first, we need to use unlist() function to transform fold_cv into a vector.

## [1] 0.9756676

This correlation is high suggesting strong association between predicted and true values. Thus, the model is very good in terms of its prediction.

4.3 Bootstrap sampling

The second method is called bootstrap sampling. In k-fold CV, each observation can only be used once for testing. Bootstrap sampling relies on a sampling with replacement process. Before selecting a new sample, it recycles every observation so that each observation could be appear in multiple folds.

A very special setting of bootstrap uses at each iteration 63.2% of the original data as our training dataset and the remaining 36.8% as the test dataset. Thus, compared to k-fold CV, bootstrap sampling is less representative of the full dataset. A special case of bootstrapping is the 0.632 bootstrap technique which address this issue with changing the final performance error assessment formula to:

\[error=0.632\times error_{test}+0.368\times error_{train}.\] This synthesizes the optimistic model performance on training data (\(error_{train}\)) with the pessimistic model performance on testing data (\(error_{test}\)) by weighting the corresponding errors. This method is extremely reliable for small samples (it may be computationally intensive for large samples).

To see the (asymptotics) rationale behind 0.632 bootstrap technique, consider a standard training set \(T\) of cardinality \(n\) where our bootstrapping sampling generates \(m\) new training sets \(T_i\), each of size \(n'\). As sampling from \(T\) is uniform with replacement, some observations may be repeated in each sample \(T_i\). Suppose the size of the sub-samples are of the same order as \(T\), i.e., \(n'=n\), then for large \(n\) the sample \(T_{i}\) is expected to have \(\left (1 - \frac{1}{e}\right ) \sim 0.632\) unique cases from the complete original collection \(T\), the remaining proportion \(0.368\) are expected to be repeated duplicates. Hence the name 0.632 bootstrap sampling. A particular training data element has a probability of \(1-\frac{1}{n}\) of not being picked for training, and hence, its probability of being in the testing set is \(\left (1- \frac{1}{n}\right )^n=e^{-1} \sim 0.368\).

The simulation below illustrates the 0.632 bootstrap experimentally:

# define the total data size
n <- 500
# define number of Bootstrap iterations
#define the resampling function and compute the proportion of uniquely selected elements
uniqueProportions <- function(myDataSet, sampleSize){
    indices <- sample(1:sampleSize, sampleSize, replace=TRUE) # sample With Replacement
# compute the N proportions of unique elements (could also use a for loop)
proportionsVector <- c(lapply(1:N, uniqueProportions, sampleSize=n), recursive=TRUE)
# report the Expected (mean) proportion of unique elements in the bootstraping samples of n
## [1] 0.632138

In general, for large \(n\gg n'\), the sample \(T_{i}\) is expected to have \(n\left ( 1-e^{-n'/n}\right )\) unique cases, see On Estimating the Size and Confidence of a Statistical Audit).

Having the bootstrap samples, the \(m\) models can be fitted (estimated) and aggregated, e.g., by averaging the outputs (for regression) or using voting methods (for classification). We will discuss this more in later Chapters. Let’s look at the implementation of the 0.632 Bootstrap technique for the QoL case-study.

# Recall: qol_model <- C5.0(qol_train[,-c(40, 41)], qol_train$cd)
# predict lables of testing data
qol_pred<-predict(qol_model, qol_test)
# compute matches and mismatches of Predicted and Observed class labels
predObsEqual <- qol_pred == qol_test$cd
predObsTF <- c(table(predObsEqual)[1], table(predObsEqual)[2]); predObsTF
##   143   300
# training error rate
train.err <- as.numeric(predObsTF[1]/(predObsTF[1]+predObsTF[2]))

# testing error rate, leave-one-out Bootstrap (LOOB) Cross-Validation
B <- 10 
loob.err <- NULL
N <- dim(qol_test)[1]   # size of test-dataset
for (b in 1:B) {
   bootIndices <- sample(1:N, N*0.9, replace=T)
   train <- qol_test[bootIndices, ]
   qol_modelBS <- C5.0(train[,-c(40, 41)], train$cd)
   inner.err <- NULL

   # for current iteration extract the apporopriate tetsing cases for testing
   i <- (1:length(bootIndices))
   i <- i[, bootIndices))]
   test <- qol_test[i, ]
   # predict using model at current iteration
   qol_modelBS_pred <- predict(qol_modelBS, test)
   predObsEqual <- qol_modelBS_pred == test$cd
   predObsTF <- c(table(predObsEqual)[1], table(predObsEqual)[2]); predObsTF
   # training error rate
   inner.err <- as.numeric(predObsTF[1]/(predObsTF[1]+predObsTF[2]))
   loob.err <- c(loob.err, mean(inner.err))

test.err <- ifelse(is.null(loob.err), NA, mean(loob.err))

# 0.632 Bootstrap error
boot.632 <- 0.368 * train.err + 0.632 * test.err; boot.632
## [1] 0.3876717
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