SOCR ≫ | DSPA ≫ | DSPA2 Topics ≫ |
This DSPA Appendix
shows examples of dynamic systems, chaotic, spatiotemporal changes, and
biocomplexity modeling using R
and [Julia(
In this appendix, we use the R package
as a Julia language wrapper, and various
packages, such as JuliaDynamics
and DynamicalSystems.
is a high-performance dynamic programming language
for numerical computing that can be used for efficient solution to
optimization problems and other demanding scientific computations in
. JuliaCall
provides direct integration between R
, where Julia
functions can be called
just like any other R
function. Similarly, R
functions can be called in the Julia
environment (chink
blocks in the Rmd script). Both invocations provide automatic type
conversion. JuliaConnectoR
is another R
package that provides a functionally oriented
interface for integrating Julia
and R
functionality. Imported Julia
functions can be called as
functions and data structures are converted
automatically. Also, the package XRJulia
provides an interface from R
to computations in
, based on the interface structure described in the book “Extending R” by
John M. Chambers.
code chunks embedded in Rmd
First load the necessary R
# R-block of code
# The first time - install these libs
# install.packages("JuliaCall")
# install.packages("JuliaConnectoR")
# library(JuliaCall)
# install_julia() # This is needed just once to install Julia on the system!!!
# install.packages("XRJulia") # Install the package if not already installed
# Set the JULIA_NUM_THREADS environment variable in R:
Sys.setenv(JULIA_NUM_THREADS = 10)
julia <- julia_setup() # This will start Julia with 10 threads
# findJulia() # This will locate the Julia installation
# julia <- JuliaSession() # Start Julia and assign the session to the `julia` object
# Check that the julia object is properly initialized by running a simple Julia command:
julia_command("1 + 1") # # Should return 2
## 2
# Verify the number of threads in Julia:
julia_command("using Base.Threads; Threads.nthreads() = 10") # Manually set threads
# Should return 10
message(paste0("The Number of Cores Julia starts with is: ", julia_command("Threads.nthreads()")$out))
# julia_command("using Base.Threads; Threads.nthreads()") # Should return 10
# julia_command("ENV[\"JULIA_NUM_THREADS\"]") # Should return "10"
# JuliaConnectoR::stopJulia() # Terminate the Julia session
Next, demonstrate Julia
code chunk for a simple
calculation, \(a=\sqrt{10}\). Note that
this just computes the result, which can then be printed either in
or in R
code chunk.
## This is a julia language chunk.
## In julia, the command without ending semicolon will trigger the display
## so is JuliaCall package.
## The julia display will follow immediately after the corresponding command
## just as the R code in R Markdown.
a = sqrt(10);
Next is a subsequent R
code block reporting the result
from the Julia chunk calculation.